September 21, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified of a positive test of COVID-19 at Dixon Elementary School. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may remain in schoo...

September 17, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified of a positive test of COVID-19 at Dixon Middle School. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may remain in school pe...

September 16, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified of a positive test of COVID-19 at Dixon Elementary School. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may remain in schoo...

September 14, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified of a positive test of COVID-19 at Dixon Elementary School. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may remain in schoo...

September 9, 2020
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has impacted ALL families in some manner. Especially so from a financial standpoint. Many of the nation's education organizations have lobbied bo...
September 8, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified that a student at Dixon High School has tested positive for COVID-19. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may remai...

September 4, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified that a student at Dixon High School has tested positive for COVID-19. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may rema...
September 2, 2020
The Dixon R-I School District has been notified that a student at Dixon Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. Unless parents are notified otherwise, your student may re...

August 20, 2020
WCC Students Only: If you have not already heard, WHS and WCC will be starting school virtually Tuesday, August 25 through Friday, August 28. At this time, students are proje...

August 13, 2020
Any 7th and 8th grade student interested in Middle School Cheer for the 2020-2021 Basketball season!!! An all day clinic and Tryout will be held on Saturday, August 22nd from 9am ...

July 21, 2020
Please click below link to access information regarding our 2020-2021 opening plan. 20-21 Opening Letter

June 24, 2020
Please see below link to view the Graduation Recommendations from the Pulaski County Health Department. PCHD Recommendations

June 24, 2020
Dixon High School Graduation 2020
Guidelines and Reminders
We are making final preparations to honor our graduating seniors at Friday night’s ceremony. Please carefully...

June 23, 2020
In order to be more closely aligned with Health Department guidelines and to better accommodate all families of graduating seniors, Dixon R-I Schools will be relocating our 2020 G...

March 20, 2020
PARENTS & GUARDIANS: Your students’ distance learning packets will be available for pickup on Monday, March 23rd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at your child’s school. We will be d...

March 19, 2020
Parent or Guardian,
Objective: It is our goal to continue offering quality educational support and instruction during our term of distance learning. We want to challenge stude...

March 5, 2020
Handwashing Best Protection Against Flu and Coronavirus
Pulaski County, Mo. – Increasing media coverage of the coronavirus outbreak that began in China is crea...

March 5, 2020
March 5, 2020
Dear Parents,
The Dixon R-I School District is monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation. As of noon today, we have not been advised of any COVID-19 ca...

March 5, 2020
Parents, we are all aware of the concerns surrounding the coronavirus and its possible spread throughout the country. Please understand that we as a District are taking any and al...